Factors That Determine Your Auto Insurance Rate

Your driving record is one of the main determinants of your auto insurance rate (excluding California, Hawaii and Massachusetts ) with clean histories leading to lower premiums while accidents or violations will increase them.
Your car type has an impactful influence on the cost of insuring it; safer, larger cars typically cost less to cover than their smaller counterparts.
Location plays a critical role when calculating auto insurance premiums. Insurance companies use data about accident risks, theft losses and other losses in specific areas to calculate premium rates accordingly. Densely populated neighborhoods or those with higher crime rates often incur higher premium rates while sparsely populated ones may offer cheaper premiums. Weather, where you park at night and other elements within your neighborhood also factor into insurer calculations of car insurance policies in various states like California and Michigan do not permit insurers to consider location as a rating factor when setting rates on car policies.
According to GEICO, poor credit can increase car insurance rates by as much as 70% when compared to drivers with excellent credit. As credit is such an integral component of most insurers’ ratings systems, maintaining your score in good order to get the best rates is vitally important for receiving competitive auto coverage prices.
Age can play an influential role in auto insurance rates. Young drivers typically pay higher premiums due to lack of driving experience and increased risks related to fatal collisions.
Car insurance companies also take into account other factors when setting premiums, including gender, marital status and credit history of drivers when setting premiums. On average, married drivers with excellent credit and those who are married tend to experience lower premium rates than single drivers or those with lesser scores.
Once drivers reach adulthood, their car insurance rates generally begin to decrease as they gain experience and maturity behind the wheel. On average, premiums tend to more than halve between 16-20 and continue dipping steadily into their 30s.
Claims history
History of claims can have a dramatic impact on your auto insurance rates. Most insurers maintain detailed records of past claims, such as at-fault accidents or traffic violations that can have lasting repercussions affecting rates for up to seven years after filing them. If recent incidents have left marks on your record, consider reaching out to your provider for guidance on improving it and increasing your rating.
Your claims history is easy to access by requesting a letter of experience from either your past or current insurer, or by ordering a CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) report from LexisNexis. These reports detail past claims and how they were investigated and settled.
Refresh your claims history periodically when switching car insurers or renewing policies to get an accurate picture of how past claims have affected your rate. This way you’ll know whether they have caused increases or decreases.
Vehicle type
Your car plays an essential part in determining how much auto insurance you pay. Certain vehicles cost more to insure due to being more costly to repair or being harder to replace with standard parts, or other considerations like being high performance, having premium safety features or being an antique or classic car – typically larger vehicles are more costly to insure than smaller ones.
How many miles you drive each year can have an effect on your rate as well. Drivers who cover less mileage tend to have reduced accident risks and thus, lower insurance premiums. Furthermore, some insurers offer “pay-per-mile” policies that let customers pay for coverage based on how much they drive each year.
Credit history
Insurance companies typically take an individual’s credit history into account when offering policies, as evidence suggests a correlation between having good credit and making fewer auto insurance claims, saving the insurer money in premium payments.
Insurance companies use different credit scores than lenders do; they are known as insurance credit scores. These scores take into account factors like credit utilization, outstanding debts and length of history when assigning insurance credit scores.
Experian offers free credit-based insurance scores; however, each company must be contacted independently for their rates and policies. Comparison shopping won’t adversely impact your score because insurance providers conduct soft inquiries when calculating rates – no points will be lost by doing so!